On our way to Homer we stopped in Anchorage for a few days to see why it is characterized as so “not-Alaska” and then to go to the Alaska State Fair in Palmer which we had been hearing so much about from Dylan. This is the fair that showcases the GIANT vegetables; cabbages as big as your head and turnips that take two hands to hold. 
We had been hearing all summer how bad the weather was in AK during the summer; rainy and cloudy and apparently this affected the size and amount of vegetables. But they were pretty big I must say. This was the greatest fair we have been to.
we had purchased tickets to see Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys at the show so we got into the fair for free.
One of the first places we went to was the fabric art barn. I have been interested in learning to spin but don’t want to purchase a wheel. As luck would have it we met a wonderful woman who not only gave me a spinning lesson on a spindle, but gave me the spindle, the fiber and a hand-made bag to put it all in. She also put us in touch with a woman who had a musk ox farm.
I have been hunting musk ox ever since I saw Quiviat which is a yarn made from their underhair. We saw it in Banff for $90.00 for 6 oz and I was trying to go to the source and get it cheaper. However, the price was the same at the farm and her supply of hair had just gone to Peru to be processed. So I will wait until spring when it will return and buy some fiber that I will try to spin myself. Wish me luck.
The concert with Ralph Stanley was all we could have asked for. AND, we were able to go backstage before the concert and get my banjo signed by Dr. Ralph and David took my photo with the 81 year old legend.
Great time.
Then it was on to Homer, Dylan and Fred. We had not seen Dylan without his beard and were anxious to see his new house, as well. We had a lovely visit which included meeting Angela who seems to know everyone in Homer.
She owns a beauty shop and gave me a great new color and cut and even convinced David to go under the scissors. Great lady! We went Halibut fishing and each caught our limit of two, small but feisty fish.
David and Dylan and Angela also caught huge skate
which were impossible to bring up and then were released. We had a great time and were able to bring lots of fish to our new house. We also had a great party at Dylan’s and met a lot of his friends. A very, very nice visit with great food and great people.
Then off to Fairbanks with a stop in Talkeetna so the driving wasn’t too tedious. Fred the dog is quite an attraction. He is an ordinary hound with the most amazing eyes that just beg for loving. We went into a bar to listen to some jazz in Talkeetna with Fred and EVERYONE had to pet him. And he is a great car dog as well. We love him.
We made a quick stop in Denali National park, about 2 hours outside of Fairbanks so I could get my old lady parks pass. $10.00 for a lifetime pass and half off camping in all national parks for me and my carload. So…it pays you all to come and visit. Also, for anyone who has gotten this far in the blog…we also have asparks pass for Canada’s national parks which anyone of you can use if you wish. Just let us know and we will mail it to you. No ID required. Canada parks are quite expensive; $20.00 per day plus $27 for camping, so use our pass if you wish.
Fairbanks: It is everything we could have wished for. Our house is exactly as we had imagined and Karen and Butch, our landlords are going to be good friends. The house looks like new, is just the right size and feels like home.
We have been SO BUSY! Our first night we slept on the floor, on pads from Celeste because there is no furniture. Luckily Dylan was able to order a memory foam bed for us from Homer that we were able to pick up in Fairbanks on Tuesday. We also were lucky to find a bedroom set and dining room table and chairs in Fairbanks at the home of a woman who had just died, but had lived in Fairbanks all her 91 years. So, we are getting furnished and the boxes and stuff all around and slowly diminishing. We also had a chance to join a phone bank for Obama on Wednesday night and hope to get active in Alaska politics soon. We took our written driving tests for our AK licenses and FAILED. Had to go back the next day after some serious studying. Do you believe I missed the questions about when to use parking lights. DUH! (The correct answer is: “when parked’) Then we found out that David could not get his license because that bad boy had TWO outstanding speeding tickets from two different states incurred years ago! He had to spend the whole day getting that taken care of. Of course, I could not get my license right away either because, even with a passport the state wanted to SEE my social security card. David just whipped his right out of his wallet. I haven’t seen mine in 40 years and had to leave the DMV and go the federal building and apply for a new one. But all ended well for me and I have my license in hand and now am eligible for next year’s Permanent Dividend Fund, which this year is $2000.00 Quite cool.
No sightings of wild animals yet, but some critter laid an egg next to our car this morning. Go figure. We live in the “Two Rivers” area which seems to be the dog sled raising capital of Fairbanks, so we have seen dogs and our neighbor has a cow, so we see that. But no moose, bear, etc, YET.
The weather is wonderful and fully fall. Yellow leaves on the few deciduous trees; nights in the 40’s and days in the 60’s. Some predict snow by September 19. All cars have little tongues hanging out the front (really plugs for block heaters) and our parking area has a plug in spot as does the Wal-Mart shopping center and a number of other public parking places.
Well…the traveling part of our adventure is over and the Alaska part has begun. David has adjusted to the change better than I. I think I have a rambling soul and could have gone on and on. But, this new adventure is going to be WONDERFUL based on the folks we have met and the stuff we have seen so far. So stay tuned for the Alaska blogs.
Our new contact information:
Address: 3477 Buffalo Lane, Fairbanks, AK 99712
Home Phone: 907-488-4749
Ellen’s cell: 907-388-4788
David’s cell: 907-388-1559
According to David we have travelled 16,047 miles and averaged a little more than 19 miles of gas per gallon. Of the miles travelled, I drove almost 200 miles!
Tonight we are going to Fairbank’s First Friday to visit galleries and hear music and this weekend, if it gets a little cooler we are going to soak in the Cheena Hot Springs. If not, we might visit North Pole (which, according to the telephone company, is actually where we live.) It’s supposed to be where Santa lives and is done up for Christmas all year.
Here is Fred.