Saturday, January 17, 2009

What's 96 degrees between friends

Well, from New Year's Day until about January 13 we have been at -45 and lower every dayminus-51-jan-3-09. Of course, from Christmas Day we have been at -30 and lower. Friday, January 16 we hit +51. By my count that's a 96 degree difference. 

40Check out David out surveying on one of the colder days.  Notice he looks a bit hazy.  Here in Fairbanks, which is in a bowl, we have the wonderful ice fog whcih develops because the air does not absorb moisture in such cold temperatures, there is no wind to dissipate it and the cold weather creates temperture inversion.  Science aside, it is mind boggling.  We live in the hills and do not have ice fog.  We come down into Fairbanks on a long, hill and the town virtually disappears.  I mean, you cannot see your hand in front of your face.  Our sky, bright sun.  Fairbanks.. nothing!

Taking my glvoes off to pick something up outside results in red, red hands.  HOWEVER...everyone goes on quite normally. 35, 40.50 ab0ve zero.  Everyone is grumbling.  The snow has melted and the trees have lost their magic.  We spent two nights lying away as the snow avalanched off our roof making the hosue shake.  Now there is no snow and the skiers and mushers are getting quite cranky.  Since the ground is still cold everything is slippery and now we have many accidents.  Fred and I are outside in light clothing.

Several funky things about cold, cold weather.  When I threw hot water into that cold air, it vaporized. And, a banana set outside until frozen can be used to drive a nail into a tree.banana-hammer-1

David and I went to Chena Hot Springs in the cold, cold.  What a hoot. 104 in the water and -45 on the outside.  Look at the new do's for us bothchena-hot-springs-jan-09-6.

On a lovely ride last week in our continuing exploration of the area we came across a mama moose and her youngster.  Fred was extremely well behaved and did not make a sound!moose-ester-dome-3

We have one car which means that David and I go to work together each and every day.  To his credit, David does all he can to expidite a speedy exit for me..he makes my coffee, breakfast and lunch.  But, in my defense I have to get dressed. make-up, jewelry and take Fred for his morning walk.  So, I am not always ready when David hopes.  How do I know?  As I am running around gathering up this and that to take with me, all I have to do is look to the bench by the door.waiting-waitin-waitingAnd there he sits, silent as a tomb, waiting, waiting and waiting.  I keep telling him not to get dressed so early, but I guess hope springs eternal.

On we go!

And on we go.