Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hot, Hot and More Hot

From the cool depths of Carlsbad Caverns we  headed north towards Albequerque, going through a wonderfully scenic town, Artesia, full of street sculptures.

We stopped at White Sands National Momument, snow white gypsum sand dunes that move about 30 feet a year.  Wild, beautiful and hot.  104 degrees and no shade. the umbrella was for shade, not to protect from rain!

Next we headed north along the eastern edge of the White Sands missile testing area, where they test missiles and the first nuclear bomb was detonated.  Closed area and we could not do any sightseeing!

Camped at Manzano Forrest at 7500 feet in a ponderosa pine forrest where we actually were cold at night for the first time in weeks.  All the trails were closed because of a large brown bear that was invading the campground and evading capture.

1 comment:

  1. Hello David & Ellen,
    I was just catching up on your travels and wishing I were doing the same! How wonderful to be able to travel our great land & meet so many wonderful people.
    Drew & I were at White Sands a few years ago & planned our trip to coincide with the full moon. The park stays open til midnight during the full moon and people were sledding & skiing (sor of) on the dunes in the cool of the evening. It is very other worldly at night with the moonlight.

    People ask how you are doing & all I can do is give them your website. Sounds like you are both doing just fine!

    You will be pleased to know that our first Perkiomen sojourn went off with some excitement - lots of high water and some scary times behind the Graterford island. Yours truly almost became fishbait! But everyone had a great time and is looking forward to doing it again next year!

    Regards from all us worker bees -

