Sunday, April 19, 2009


We are anxiously awaiting the results of the Nenana Ice Classic when the tripod driven into the Tanana River at Nenena shfits with the breaking ice, thus pulling a string which stops the clock which records the official day, hour and minute of break-up. Everyone in AK bets on the date, at $2.50 a pop and the winner, who guesses the exact day, hour and minute can win up to $30,000.00. David and I each bought 2 tickets. Think we can win?

We went to Nenana two weeks ago to check out the tripod, driven 2 feet into the ice, which at this date is still 46 inches thick. David and I both bet on dates late in April and early in May Stay tuned for results.tripod-in-tanana-river

We have been to Nenana twice and each time we pass this guy coming and going.  What's up?img_30901       img_3091

This past weekend, April 18-19 we went on our first camping trip...sort of.  We rented a BLM cabin in the White Mountains.  It is the only one of the cabins that is accessible from the road.  All the others are accessible by skis or snow machines.img_3093  We knew we would be hiking in crusted snow so we borrowed snow shoes from David's work and took off straigh up a hillside.img_3101  Until I fell down!  I fell in about 4 feet of snow, so that when I went to boost myself up, my arms plunged into the snow up to my shoulders and I had no leverage.  Of course, i was positioned like a "V", so perhaps deep snow was no excuse.img_3102  When David slowly manuevered behind me to shove me upright, he fell down and pulled off a snowshoe.  Well, we eventually got up and headed up the slope, until David fell, and rolled a bunch of feet down the hill.  Up, down, eventually we got up to the top, with Fred, waiting patiently at every stop.img_3103  The view on top was wonderful.  I still cannot get over the blue, blue sky!!

We left Sunday afternoon after a great weekend

Here is a photo of our road, taken April 19.  Notice all the snow.img_3109 However, the snow is melting fast!

Notice the red hairimg_3106We were in Homer for a great Passover and Dylan's ladyfriend gave me a while new look.  We also played poker, me for the first itme, and I won the $50.00 I put in and $10.00 on top of that.  Maybe I'll start a new side career!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Want to Bonnspeil? At 2 am?

Well we wanted to try all Alaska has to offer, so, of course, when David received an email at work asking for folks to come out to the curling club on a Saturday morning for a lesson, he signed us up. You know curling...the little stones with handles that are floated down the ice while two grown people sweep like crazy in front of it .

Well, let me tell you, ice is slippery and COLD! And curling is harder than it looks. First of all, as we watched someone with experience slide the "rock" David said, "Wow! Look how straight it is going down the center line. Will we ever be able to do that?" And our teacher said, "I hope not. Its not called 'straighting...its called curling and the rock is supposed to spin, albeit, very slowly."

This sport is hard...and dangerous. Of course, as I was running (with my feet scooting side by side) while sweeping, I fell, not once, not twice, but three times. That was two weeks ago and I still cannot go upstairs with twinges. It is very hard to keep your body bent onto the ice, launch yourself from a block and slide on one knee with the other leg extended to the back and your arm extended forward with the rock just on your fingertips and then simply let it go as your body propels it down the ice while your sweepers make it go faster or to the right or left.curling    img_3059





Well, we had such a good time at our "coaching sessions" that we signed up for the ultra-novice class of the following week's International Bonnspeil (tournament).  We figured we would play one round, get knocked out and that would be that.  But no!  The ultra-novice class was a round-robin, so we got to play three different times (6 innings, or "ends" each time) one at 6 pm Friday evening; the second at 2 am Saturday morning and the third at 12:30 am Sunday morning.  (Obviously they did not want the big boys bothered by us ultra-novices). 

Our team stunk and the best time and the most wins we had were against a team made up of middle school kids.  What a hoot.  The winner cleans the ice between games.img_3070

The event is a big deal here with front page sports coverage for two of the 4 days it was on. is a 24 hour a day event, round the clock, starting on Thursday with the opening ceremonies with bagpipers and ending Sunday evening with a banquet.  And in-between curling on the ice and major partying in the observation gallery on the second floor....all night!

We can't wait until October when the leagues start again.  I'm sure we'll join.  Bowling in the lower 48 and curling up here.




Now it is April 6 and the snow is finally beginning to melt.  It gets into the high 30's during the day, but about 12 in the morning.  People have gone nuts..cut-offs, flip flops, short coats.  Yikes.  I finally went out today without my long underwear bottoms on, and, because I like living on the edge, I wore a short sleeved long underwear top under my sweater and winter coat. 

But the sun is still quite out there at 9 pm.