Sunday, April 19, 2009


We are anxiously awaiting the results of the Nenana Ice Classic when the tripod driven into the Tanana River at Nenena shfits with the breaking ice, thus pulling a string which stops the clock which records the official day, hour and minute of break-up. Everyone in AK bets on the date, at $2.50 a pop and the winner, who guesses the exact day, hour and minute can win up to $30,000.00. David and I each bought 2 tickets. Think we can win?

We went to Nenana two weeks ago to check out the tripod, driven 2 feet into the ice, which at this date is still 46 inches thick. David and I both bet on dates late in April and early in May Stay tuned for results.tripod-in-tanana-river

We have been to Nenana twice and each time we pass this guy coming and going.  What's up?img_30901       img_3091

This past weekend, April 18-19 we went on our first camping trip...sort of.  We rented a BLM cabin in the White Mountains.  It is the only one of the cabins that is accessible from the road.  All the others are accessible by skis or snow machines.img_3093  We knew we would be hiking in crusted snow so we borrowed snow shoes from David's work and took off straigh up a hillside.img_3101  Until I fell down!  I fell in about 4 feet of snow, so that when I went to boost myself up, my arms plunged into the snow up to my shoulders and I had no leverage.  Of course, i was positioned like a "V", so perhaps deep snow was no excuse.img_3102  When David slowly manuevered behind me to shove me upright, he fell down and pulled off a snowshoe.  Well, we eventually got up and headed up the slope, until David fell, and rolled a bunch of feet down the hill.  Up, down, eventually we got up to the top, with Fred, waiting patiently at every stop.img_3103  The view on top was wonderful.  I still cannot get over the blue, blue sky!!

We left Sunday afternoon after a great weekend

Here is a photo of our road, taken April 19.  Notice all the snow.img_3109 However, the snow is melting fast!

Notice the red hairimg_3106We were in Homer for a great Passover and Dylan's ladyfriend gave me a while new look.  We also played poker, me for the first itme, and I won the $50.00 I put in and $10.00 on top of that.  Maybe I'll start a new side career!


  1. Hi, Ellen and David,

    I hadn't visited your website for a while, so it was fun catching up with everything happening in AK. Sounds as though you are having a great time. The tripod in the ice is a fascinating idea! Enjoy. Life here in PA never seems to change. The garden looks great...lots of things growing, including the weeds.

  2. Sylvia told me tonight that you sent me pictures of the volcano. I never got them. Do you have my correct email adress? You may have an old one, although it's been this for about 4 or 5 years. While you're at it, send me you're email address. This is the only way I can write to you. I must admit, I haven't read you log for a while. Will catch up after I finished here.
    Missed you at Seder. Love, Selma
