Friday, July 10, 2009

Fishing Yet Again..or...No More Space in the Freezer

We were lucky enough to go on a great guided river canoeing trip over the Independence Day weekend. Two nights and three days of camping, paddling, fishing...and portaging with a guide from David's work and his three buddies. DCFC0190 We went on the Tangle Lakes to the Delta River, about three hours from Fairbanks, left one car and the take-out point, drove up to the lakes and then floated down, fishing all the way. 

The weather was awful the week before our trip, but bright, sunny, warm during the day and cool at night for the whole weekend.  Buggy during the night, but even that was managable.

We fished and fished, first for lake trout and then for grayling, filleting and eating our catch at night and still having lots left over to take home.  We got quite fussy and threw back many more fish than we caught.  But our catch each day was quite respectable.DCFC0176     DCFC0168  DCFC0184

DCFC0185 The scenery was spectacular as we floated through mountains and flat areas and passed beaver lodge after beaver lodge!DCFC0200

And David and I did quite well in one canoe, with David as captain and me as mate.DCFC0167

Even the portage, which was in two parts...unload, carry, load, paddle, unload, (have someone else) carry was an adventure.  That was not something I would look forward to doing again since the up was steep and the down even steeper over treacherous rocks, but it all added to the adventure.

Then it was back home, for a midnight dinner...and then early to bed for the next two nights.

For those of you who visit AK or who live here and want a great trip, go to and contact Tony who has been traveling these rivers since he was a little boy!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Say It's Not So!!

The solstice has come and gone AND NOW, ACCORDING TO THE NEWSPAPER, WE ARE LOSING 3 MINUTES OF SUNLIGHT DAILY!!!!  But, at least, it happens between 3 and 4 in the morning, so we're not affected.

We went to Seward for David's company trip which, this year, was a halibut fishing trip.  What a wonderful time.  We arrive on Thursday and camped in Talketnafishing-trip-2 and then were lucky enough to meet up with Tom Moreau and his family at Exit Glacier on Friday morning. fishing-trip-4  fishing-trip-8 They are Dylan's friends who have a cabin near where he used to live in Homer and now live in Moab.  We saw a lot of them whenwe were in Moab and like them quite a lot.

Then we all went to Seward where we met up with Dylan and Angela.  Everyone but Dylan, Angela and me went to the Sea Life Center....I got a cut and color in D and A's hotel.  Angela is so generous with her talent!  Then out to dinner, then David and I got to sleep on our fishing boat.  Of course, I thought we were going to get a state room, not a bunch of little coffins and bunched up in one room.  Be that as it may....

Fishing was great!  freezing cold and wet, but very successful.  fishing-trip-33     img_2348All Three boats caught a total of 3100 pounds of halibut which we split.  Now our freezer has no room because it is all filled with halibut.  Poor us!  David is holdinga ling cod which, although suppsoedly very tastey, had to be thrown back because the season wasn't open yet.  Fishing is very tiringfishing-trip-35

The weather has been cold and rainy for about a week, but today, July 2 the sun is shining and it is in the high 70's.  How wonderful and beautful.

For the long 3 day Independence Day weekend we are going ona guided float trip on the Delta River and MORE FISHING!

Outside and then back to Chicken

I was lucky enough to be able to go to a conference in Washington D.C., so, of course, I took a side trip to Philly where I stayed with Layla and her busy family, meadow-skating-3, got to see Meadow at an ice skating performance, saw great friends, picked up  a spinning wheel, got bumped from my seat going out and got a compensation of $300.00 and an upgrade part way to first class, but had a 9 hour delay coming home.  I cannot believe that we have been gone for over 1 year!!!

9 hours after I got home, David and I got into the car, loaded Fred, tent, etc. and drove 5 hours to the little gold mining town of Chicken (pop. 25)  chickenstock-4for Chicken Stock, a tiny bluegrass festival run by a lovely woman who I know from the Yukon Quest.  Check out the stage.chickenstock-3  of course, in Chicken Stock, you must have chickens...chickenstock-7 My favorite time was when I was talking to the mandolin player from one of the bands,comparing people we knew and bands we liked, when a voice piped up from behind me, "Do you know Dylan from Homer?"  Well, it turns out the voice belonged to a woman bass player whom Dylan had promised to meet in Cantwell the next weekend...and he had said he would meet us in Seward at the same time.  The boy was busted, and when I called and asked hima bout it his comment was, "I knew this state wasn't big enough for both of us!"

chickenstock-12Although Fred sleeps in the car at night, he did join me in David's sleeping bag in the morning!  David volunteered to cook and I worked selling merchandise which was great fun.

There is never a lack of something to do here!