Thursday, July 2, 2009

Outside and then back to Chicken

I was lucky enough to be able to go to a conference in Washington D.C., so, of course, I took a side trip to Philly where I stayed with Layla and her busy family, meadow-skating-3, got to see Meadow at an ice skating performance, saw great friends, picked up  a spinning wheel, got bumped from my seat going out and got a compensation of $300.00 and an upgrade part way to first class, but had a 9 hour delay coming home.  I cannot believe that we have been gone for over 1 year!!!

9 hours after I got home, David and I got into the car, loaded Fred, tent, etc. and drove 5 hours to the little gold mining town of Chicken (pop. 25)  chickenstock-4for Chicken Stock, a tiny bluegrass festival run by a lovely woman who I know from the Yukon Quest.  Check out the stage.chickenstock-3  of course, in Chicken Stock, you must have chickens...chickenstock-7 My favorite time was when I was talking to the mandolin player from one of the bands,comparing people we knew and bands we liked, when a voice piped up from behind me, "Do you know Dylan from Homer?"  Well, it turns out the voice belonged to a woman bass player whom Dylan had promised to meet in Cantwell the next weekend...and he had said he would meet us in Seward at the same time.  The boy was busted, and when I called and asked hima bout it his comment was, "I knew this state wasn't big enough for both of us!"

chickenstock-12Although Fred sleeps in the car at night, he did join me in David's sleeping bag in the morning!  David volunteered to cook and I worked selling merchandise which was great fun.

There is never a lack of something to do here!


  1. Dear Elen and David.

    Loved the Chicken pics! And Fred is adorable.
    It was soo good seeing you last month. Too short, but a good connection.

    I can't resist congraulating you on the resignation of your governor. Alaska may be better off?(?? ) but the rest of us now have Sarah in our daily news. We had so hoped she would return to you and STAY.
    Glad you both are so enjoying your new home. Just wish it wasn't so damned FAR away!!

    Love to you both, hug for Fred.

  2. I would love to use your image of a crayfish on a corn cob for a quilt that I am making. Do I have your permission to use it?
