Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well, the Yukon Quest began in Fairbanks today, February 6.  The week started off with the Banquet during which all the mushers pick their start numbers and give a little speech.  I did the silent auction and was pleased that we raised $1000.00.

Then two days later came Meet the Mushers, a free event during which the mushers sign posters and talk to their fans. 

Then Saturday was the start of the 1000 miles race to Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. We met at 8 am for a pancake breakfast, hung around until 10:30 and then the race started to start.  Below is a photo of our city before the crowds.

The staging area was above the bridge in town. 






Then when it was time, each sled to race, each sled led down the ice ramp onto the river, dragging a braked snow machine to slow the dogs down.  Then the dogs and sled were released from the snow machine and run to right before the strat line where they waited for the team before them to go off, then they had three minutes and they were off!

 I was working chute security which meant that I got to keep the crowds away from the dogs as they were led into the shoot.

The weather was a warm 18 degrees ABOVE zero, the warmest its been all winter, so everyone was quite happy.  But they did provide us with a moveable feast of fire!

Then the race started!  Here is the crowd favorite, Lance Mackey off at #11.








Once all the 24 mushers got off, David and I drove past our house and followed the trail to about 10 miles past our house where we could see the teams run towards the first checkpoint.  It took them about 4 hours to run the first 40 or so miles and in that time the order of the racers switched dramatically (which meant nothing in terms of the final outcome).

David and I stood watching into the woods for the first sign of mushers and then one by one they were upon us (with many minutes in between) as silent as the night.  But, so happy!  As Lance went by he said, in quite a conversational tone, "Isn't this just the greatest ride?"


  And then my favorite, Brent Sass rode on by, waved and again said as he ran by, "What great weather.  This is a great race."  Just the idea that these guys recognized me and talked as they ran!  Wow!

  Now we will follow the race on line as they head for the next 10 days to Whitehorse.

Then we will pack up and go to Anchorage the first weeekend in March for the Iditerod where 5 of the Quest mushers will run the Iditerod.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting this. I LOVED the portable fire, and the overall festival "feel" of the event. Hope all is well with you guys, think of you ofeten.

