Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Next?

Since we have arrived in Fairbanks I have had to fend off repeated attempts to take us cross country skiing.  "What do you mean you don't ski?" "Have you skied to work yet?"  "Where ar your ski's?" and on and on.  Everyone keeps skis in their office at UAF and just hops out to ski and the miles and miles of University groomed trails at lunch.  There are ski trails, walking trails and even "pooch loops" for those who prefer walking with their dogs.

Well, I was quite dubious about the whole thing, given my great lack of balance and overall clumsiness.  But Dylan had given David cross country skis and boots and I had picked up a whole outfit for $10.00 last summer at a flea market, so when Gary, my great boss, offered to take us on December 11 off we went.

I learned how to get up from a fall, and even better, to get up, which was a good thing because I think I was down more than I was up. David, of course, didn't fall once.  And Fred stayed inside, even though Gary and his friend's dog romped along side of us as we skied on the Tanana River, just below Gary's lovely home.

 Gary's house

 The skier's at -10

 The skiing group...2 pro's and us

 What a stance!  No wonder I kept falling!  Notice the garage sale fashions!

 Gary and G'winzee the Venetie dog who stays outside all day and night while Fred the luxury dog lies wrapped in a blanket next to the fire!

 What a boss!

the most amazing thing is that we loved it and can't wait to go again!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you ! I love to cross country ski, and get mine out whenever we have snow. Some of my fondest trips were night skiing in Tyler State Park when I lived in Newtown. Enjoy the skiing, you guys sure have the snow for it.
