Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Outside in January

We took our first non-Alaska vacation in January to Arizona, or as they say here, We went "outside". We arrived in Phoenix but did not stay and headed down to Tuscon.  Our first stop was Talesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright's home and workplace and school after he left Chicago.   Given the wonderful weather, it is not surprising that there are very few doors and many rooms open to the outside.

 GREEN.  Something we didn't see in laska in January!     We didn't realize what a wonderful sculpture Wright's wife was.

 Or what a terrible haircut I had!

A highlight of our trip was a nighttime visit to the Kit Observatory where we got to see all the huge telescopes and then look through one.  Then we had to go down the mountain in a caravan without lights!  Why?  Because all the telescopes work at night (no kidding!) and our lights would pollute their work.  Even Tuscon must use downward-facing sodium street lights to keep the view clean.

    This is a permanently aimed solar telecsope.  .  Next we went to Bixbee, a wonderful little town where we stayed at an amazingly decorated Victorian B & B which we found with the help of our trusty iPhone. and took a great mine tour riding on a little mining car.

.  Then on to Tombstone which was quite terrible and touristic where everything was a separate charge except for the cemetery which was wonderful. 


And then into the Sonora desert where we saw cactus and more cactus with David stopping at every one to take a photo.   

And then to the Desert Museum, a great, outdoor exhibit in the living desert that went on for acres..  Then we stopped at St. Xavier. 

Great trip!  Great weather! Great camping!

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