Nome is known as the end point for the Iditerod Sled Dog race
Here is the main street.
Wyatt Earp actually came to Nome and started a business supplying miners. We visited the remains of his house way out in the "country"!
My favorite restaurant in town was a combination laundramat and Mexican restaurant. We did not eat there since it was a bit funky!
We were lucky enough to go with someone who lives in Nome to pick blueberries. There are fields and fields of blueberries. Yummy! AND...there are musk ox among the blueberries. The woman we were with loves to gather quiviat, the underhair of the musk ox that is highly prized as very, very soft and very, very warm hair which is very, very expensive). She is allergic to the stuff so she gave it to me! How lucky am I. I will spin it and make it into a scarf for David.
Nome is part of theDEW Line, not necessarily needed at this point, but still active.
Nome had great wooden statues looking out onto the sea!
And some quirky ways!
Only Barge Fresh Beer for me!
A reasonably short plane ride away was Kotzebue, a Native village which was quite different from Nome.
It certainly is not cheap to live in Kotzebue.
The people in both Nome and Kotzebue were wonderfully friendly and made us feel quite welcome. We met many students who were interested in continuing a discussion about enrolling in RAP and and I started learning about bush life. I was certainly glad I went.
Nurses quarters made from ATCO's! Wow!
ReplyDeleteIt's whatchya do with whatchya got that makes ya who you are. -Glenn Caldwell, Homer fisherman. Seems to apply readily.
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