Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our New Home

We had always planned to stay at our first rental home for two years and then move to another place in Fairbanks. Our first home was in the "hills", about 20 miles from town and, as we got busier and busier, we realized that it was too far out to navigate easily with one car. We were always debating whether to stay in town if we had something at night or make the long drive home and back just to have dinner. And then there was the issue of Fred, who had to be fed and walked. And even though I had Emily, who was our wonderful dog sitter, there were always issues late at night.

So we started looking for a place either in town or near the University. We were handicapped by the dog since many places did not allow pets, and we were very particular about where we lived since it had to be close to work or town. So, we ended up in the dread DRY CABIN, within walking distance of the University. The shower thing is not too bad since I always took showers either at my gym, or in my building where there is a shower. And now David takes a shower at work too. Many folks have dry cabins so many offices accommodate them by providing showers.

It is a 20 x 20 full log cabin with a full upstairs and a balcony and a greenhouse!

The outhouse thing isn't so bad yet since there is only a little snow on the ground and at the coldest it is about 19. Wonder what it will be like when it is 50 or 60 degrees colder. Does pee freeze?

Our kitchen is nicely equipped with a 40 gallon holding tank under the sink so every week I go to the natural springs in Fox, about 15 miles from us to get water in 7 gallon jugs that we empty into the holding tank and then use a foot pump to pump water out a spout to use in the sink. HOWEVER, it drains into a 5 gallon bucket under the sink that has a tendency to overflow if we are not careful. David is in charge of toting it outside to the disposal area.

The cabin is fully equipped with all the essentials...internet and a wood burning stove!

All in all, we are quite happy here. Even Fred.


View from our front window

View from the balcony

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