Friday, July 25, 2008

Soaking up the Heat

Thermopolis and Medicine Lodge

The Ranger at Sinks Canyon told us that if we liked his park, we would love medicine Lodge State Park, and since it was in the direction we were going, we took off.  We stopped along the way to visit Thermopolis, the site of a wonderful 104 degree hot springs. The high school had this bizarre mascot outside (not me…the big cat).  Although there was a major water park complex at the site, there was also a state run pool which was free through an agreement with the Indians.  The rules said that you could only stay in for 20 minutes, and they were not kidding.  It was very hot.  But they had SHOWERS in the bath house, and since we were once again dry camping, they hit the spot. This is a photo of the seeps above the pool.


Then it was on to Medicine Lodge.  The only problem was, we could not find it listed in our AAA book, nor could the GPS identify it.  After getting a little lost, we came upon a tiny sign that pointed to an archeological site, and that turned out to be it.  A little disappointing since the petroglyphs were minimal, and not at all up to Utah standards.  The highlight of the stay was the appearance of another Chalet camper in the next site.  We looked so cute next to one another. The park had some great views, like this one of Ship Rock. 

1 comment:

  1. Ellen and Dave --

    We've been reading your postcards with great interest (and a little jealousy) but words absolutely failed me when I went to your web site!! The photos are truly unbelievable. You are two very brave and fortunate souls (though I can feel the cold nights). Preston will be lucky enough to get to the Canadian Rockies in September with Alex. I have no doubt you guys will make your goal by 9/1. Loved the photos of your house in Fairbanks; I'm convinced you guys could bring world peace with a computer and Craig's List.
    Thanks for the postcards! We love hearing from you guys.
    Love, Marlene (I'll have Preston write!)
