Sunday, July 27, 2008

Trying to Leave

It is now July 26 and time to leave Custer State Park after 5 lovely days and head to Montana via Deadwood, Sturgis and Battle of Little Big Horn.  Well, that was the plan, anyway.

We left Custer and drove onthe Needles Highway which we were told was quite a wonderful drive.  Little did we know it was SPECTACULAR.  The Eye of the Needle is just that. And the road to get to it wass like nothing we had ever driven through.  Not a tunnel, but a crack in the rocks that cars wedge through.  It then opens onto a pull off full of cars and people standing in the road waiting for a car to drive through so they can take the photo to give the road a bit of perspective..  Even the road after that strange part was exciting as we had to go through a very small tunnelI jumped out of the car and held up traffic while I ran ahead through the tunnel for this shot.

Next on to Deadwood, which everyone told us was quite hokey and ful of casinos.  But it did have Moriah Cemetery and the graves of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. 

Then on to Sturgis, where in a week will take place the 50,000 person motorcylce rally.  And this is where our plans drastically changed.  Pulling out of the supermarket parking lot and driving off we were told by a biker that we had a flat tire on Celeste.  We pulled into a large parking lot and sure enough, our new tire was destroyed.  David tried to lift Celeste by putting her littl foot down, but there was too much weight on that side.  As David was trying different methods to raise her up, along came two cowboys...and a forklift.  They scooped up our little Celeste, David put on the spare tire and off we tried to go.

However, we were stopped several times by folks driving by to point out that Celeste was listing to the right.  We decided to buy a new tire in Sturgis so that we woud have two of the same and correct the list, so we thought.  However, the only tires available were in Rapid City (which the locals call Rapid).  So, off we went to the Bargain Barn, where, upon removal of the spare, we found that the Leaf Spring had broken in half, causing the tire to catch on the frame on shred. were were looking at repairs on Monday morning. since we had to have two new springs built for us. 

As David and I were talking to each other about where to stay and how to camp, one of the workers offered to let us tcamp in the pwork area in front of teh garage, and he gave us the keys to the shop so we could use the bathroom and left the electricity on so we could plug Celeste in overnight.  (Later that evening, on the way back to Camp Bargain Barn, I feared that the store was alarmed and he had forgotten to give us the code.  I called and he assured me that they had no alarm.)  Funny thing is, he had us park directly under the night security light. 

So, we set up camp, went off to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant and then to see the Dark Knight, our existential comic book experience.  We went to that movie because the guy in the convenience store told me it was better than Lord of the Rings.  (For those of you who have seen No Country For Old Men, please think of that movie when seeing Dark Knight...Ellen as movie critic). Just to add to the escitiement, there was an extreme storm warning for Rapid City that evening.  it seems that every evening in SD there has ben stormy weather.  This time with major winds. 

Sunday its back to those bad-lands which we missed before and to Bear Butte (which I call bare butt) state park for a long, long day and even longer night at Camp Bargain Tire.


  1. One of the things that you are experiencing on your trip is just what we also experienced. People across the country are very helpful and friendly, and will go out of there way to assist you. It is really an uplifting benefit of this type of trip!

  2. I am sure that these wonderful people would also be more than happy to give you directions home! Love you!

  3. I hope David didn't dress up like Robin when you went to see Dark Knight. His orange vest is bad enough. Keep having fun.

  4. Hi David and Ellen,

    Sorry its taken solong to respond to your wonderful journal.
    Firts off, Telluride! We've been there several times, ( I had a friend who lived intown) David skied there and we went to the film festival. The picture yo sent was great!
    We've been through Monument Valley, which had similar land formations to thoses you've show. I'm convinced that when they filmed those corny science fiction films about travel to Mars, they filmed in these parks.

    Camping in 104 degrees..Yikes. Celeste seems to be serving you well.
    This is truly the camper's pilgrimage.
    Ellen, some sad news from Philly. The Mum Puppet Theater has closed! Robert Smythe resigned as director, and withina month they closed....
    There was a sale of the puppets and props, and although I was sorley tempted, I stayed home, avoiding buying lots of things I surley do not need. We have great memories of going to shows with you guys!!!

    Keep us all posted. Miss you both

    Love, Claire & David

  5. You are learning all sorts of things on this trip! Leaf springs ? Who woulda guessed. You may consider opening an auto repair shop in Fairbanks. You didn't mention it but how many times did you hear "Rocky Raccoon" in Deadwood? Just round off to the nearest 100.

  6. David & Ellen, Thanks so much for the post card. I envy the two of you and your adventures. The story about the 'locals' with the forklift along with the fellow that let you stay on his lot for the night, reminds me of the good spirit that so many have in themselves. I hope your adventures continue to be safe and enjoyable, and I look forward to the entries on your website. Safe Journey ............

  7. Not keeping up as often as i should, but just wanted you to know, I think about you & check in from time to time. Sorry you had a problem, but glad you met friendly & helpful people. Hope you have smooth rollin' from here on.

  8. We enjoyed your company at Grace Coolidge campground. Have a great trip and we are sure you will enjoy Alaska. We certainly did for 25 years!
    We are back in the saddle in Nebraska and planning our next vacation.
