Sunday, February 2, 2014

We are back

Hello again,

Our previous webmaster has deserted us so we are no longer able to post on So now we are here after a long absence.  Our first journey after leaving Peru was to Chile to San Pedro de Atacama where we had visited a number of years ago.  We had a wonderful time seeing canyons, floating in salt lakes and watching the sun rise over steaming, bubbling hot springs.  However, we had a quite unfortunate incident:  our backpack with our camera and computer was stolen, so we lost all of our photos from that segment of the trip as well as the wonderful trip into the jungle of Peru that we took before we left.

However, we were lucky enough to visit Iguazu Falls, Argentina after the theft and took photos with our cell phone. This is considered one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world and after visiting, we had no doubt!  The falls are reached through a series of paths and bridges and boardwalks interconnected through a wildlife reserve full of birds, monkeys, kotamundi and capybara.

 The kotamundi have been habituated and are as pesky as squirrels.  They congregate around the tables and chairs set up at the refreshment stands.  This one is diving into MY basket!  One couple put their tray of food down in preparation to sit, and before they could put their tushes into the chairs, the pesky, nasty creatures had attacked their tray and thrown their food all over the place.  YUCK!

The falls, 10 times as long as Niagra, are a series of interconnected falls that seem to go on forever, culminating in a thundering cataclysm complete with mist and a roar so loud that we could not hear each other.

After Iguazu we went to Buenas Aires, Argentina, the land of big hunks of meat, very late nights and big city life.  We stayed in a wonderful apartment that we found on AirB&B.  The first thing we did was to go to a polo match.  Very upper crust!


This statue is arranged so that when the sun is shining it opens and when it is dark it closes! We were lucky enough to arrange to meet with David's Aunt Selma's cousin by marriage while we were in Buenas Aires.  This is a photo of her and her granddaughter.  A very elegant lady!

The highlight of the stay was a visit to the cemetery!
This cemetery rivaled any in New Orleans or any other above ground burial place we have ever been to!  

And Evita Peron is buried here!

Believe it or not, this bench is cast in concrete 
and here is a group of tango musicians!

After B.A. we flew for Scotland.  We have applied for the Peace Corps and our plan was to travel until our assignment comes through.  We planned to stay one month in many countries, renting apartments along the way.  Our first stop was Scotland.

But after 2 weeks in an apartment in Edinburgh we decided that this was too restrictive so we bought a used caravan (12.5 by 6.5 feet) and car and are traveling around Europe.  Plus, the experience of hauling 2 backpacks, two suitcases and two pieces of carry-on luggage was JUST HORRENDEOUS!!!!  NOTE TO SELF:  1 OF EVERYTHING IS QUITE ENOUGH!!!!  15 different scarf selections is just ridiculous!!!!

So far we have been to the UK, Spain Portugal, France and are going to Greece next week.  Will post blogs and photos of individual countries later.

July 9 we leave for our Peace Corps assignment in the PHILIPINES.  Yippee!  Skippee!

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